Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy at Home-LA

At Home-LA, we offer Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) with an emphasis on the relational model of therapy. Every person is treated as an individual and every relationship is unique. Whether we meet and have one session to unblock obstacles, or have a series of sessions to address a long-held system of beliefs, we see the path to healing as a journey we take together. We appreciate the vulnerability and courage it takes to explore this healing path and look forward to supporting you on the journey. All ketamine services begin with a consultation with one of our specialists to ensure suitability. Together we develop a treatment plan to meet your individual needs.

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

What is ketamine? Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic originally used to reduce pain and put people in a trance-like state.  In recent years ketamine has been widely recognized for its psychiatric potential.

Ketamine treatment

  • Can serve as an antidepressant
  • Enhance neuronal growth and connectivity
  • Can be disorienting and overwhelming at times

Ketamine treatment with psychotherapy. Experiences and benefit vary depending on the dose and route of administration:

  • Low-dose (psycholytic): softens the conscious and unconscious defenses, making people more available to be present and engage in psychotherapy
  • High-dose (psychedelic): can create a deep internal experience that allows for a significant perspective shift. At this level, ketamine assisted psychotherapy…

Why Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy?
Ketamine and psychotherapy together offer a deep dive into transformational healing. In our professional opinion, ketamine therapy alone can often be disorienting and overwhelming when approached by oneself. That is why we encourage individuals to experience the treatment with a clinician in a safe and supportive environment. Rather than leaving the client to navigate uncharted territory alone, our clinicians at Home-LA take an  supportive  approach to work with the client as they progress through their transformative journey.

What can I expect from Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)?
Clients can expect to enter into a place where they feel safe and seen and supported, it’s recommended to dress comfortably so that you could lie down and relax during part of this three hour long session. The session begins with conversation to reconnect and discuss intentions, followed by a  guided meditation to help clients “drop in” to the altered state which is facility by the ketamine administration.  Clients are offered eye masks and headphones so they may be taken on an acoustic journey specifically curated to enhance the experience. Ketamine can soften ones defenses, making it easier to access our unconscious selves. Ketamine can be experienced a number of different ways from extreme relaxation to revisiting memories or visiting possibilities, not yet realized. But this softening of the attachment to our conscious reality allows for more possibilities to emerge, and in this space with the support of the skilled psychotherapist, we can see, new thoughts, realizations and dreams emerge. Each experience is tailored to the individual, so there is not a one-size-fits all approach.

Another component to KAP involves an integration session, typically the day after your KAP session. With your clinician, you can reflect back on the experience together and make sense of any discoveries which you may have encountered. Integration is an opportunity to find meaning and purpose in these discoveries, and is a crucial step in turning your discoveries into action.

How does KAP work?
To ensure maximum benefit from the session, we combine our research, knowledge, and experience to co-create a mindset and physical setting most conducive to transformative healing. Through discussion, information gathering, and specific goals, we develop a KAP treatment plan that best suits your needs and personal growth.

The stages of KAP: assessment, preparation, ketamine session and integration.

Clearance: These initial meeting(s) are with a clinician where medical and psychiatric baseline information is gathered to determine an individual’s suitability for treatment.

Preparation: This is an informative session designed to answer any questions about the process, address concerns and educate the client for best results. Here we spend time considering an individual’s readiness, motivation and intention for the treatment. Some clients benefit from several preparatory meetings.

Ketamine: Administration is done safely, in a medically supervised environment. The physical space is uniquely structured with intention for individuals to drop into the experience deeply and comfortably.

Integration: This is the therapeutic process that takes place after the KAP session. This step involves working with your clinician to explore your stories with new perspectives. Integration is a process by which we make meaning out of these experiences to create sustained and lasting change. During integration we have the opportunity to reimagine the stories we live and gain insight into how those stories continue to affect us.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I  know if it is right for me?
Start by meeting with one of our ketamine specialists,  together can help assess if ketamine is the right tool for what you’re looking to address. Ketamine assisted psychotherapy can be helpful for depression, anxiety, ocd, rigid thinking, feeling stuck, existential angst, lack of connection, grief,  addiction and other symptoms that leave us feeling we are not living our optimal lives.  Together we decide the suitability of treatment, route of administration, and cadence. This can be an organic process as the simple act of looking at something can begin the process of change.

How do I get started?

All patients who are interested in Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy must receive psychological and medical clearance from a licensed professional. This can be done by either seeing your desired clinician for psychological clearance followed by medical clearance from our medical staff, or you can book with our psychiatric staff to receive clearance for both.

How many sessions should I expect?
While we do not require a minimum/maximum number of sessions, at least 3 sessions is generally recommended. A series of ketamine sessions supported with therapy can increase cognitive and emotional flexibility  leading to new healthier patterns of thought and behavior.

How do I get the prescription?
Ketamine can be delivered either in an oral troche form or via an injection. Our medical staff will work with you during medical clearance to determine the desired form and dosage of your ketamine prescription. Utilizing oral ketamine requires a prescription to be paid for by the client and can be delivered directly to the office or picked up by the client. Utilizing an injection requires an additional fee to cover the cost of the injection and the medical personnel’s time.

How much will this all cost?

The exact cost of treatment varies depending on your chosen clinician, method of administration, and number of sessions. For detailed information, please refer to our Appointments and Rates page.

How do I schedule?

Please email us at either or call/text us at 424-877-1333

* Disclaimer: Ketamine is the only transformative psychedelic we prescribe. Ketamine therapy is not appropriate for everyone. We do not promote or provide any illegal substances. We do support harm reduction but not the abuse or misuse of any illegal substances.